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The OpenLoops Process Library

The following libraries are available within OpenLoops and contain all relevant matrix elements to compute NLO QCD+EW corrections, including tree and one-loop color- and helicity-correlations and (mostly) real radiation amplitudes. The libraries for EW corrections end with "_ew" and also include all subleading QCD-EW mixed one-loop and real radiation, as well as photon-induced contributions.

Libraries ending with "2" contain loop-squared amplitudes (with closed fermion loops) for all Boson-pair production processes with any combination of vector bosons and Higgs bosons plus up to two additional jets. They also always include loop-squared color- and helicity-correlations.

Note: the set of available processes, in particular at NLO EW, will be further extended in the near future. However, please do not hesitate to send us a request for a process you would like to study via the following form or via Email.

t ➞ Wb+jets
pp ➞ tttt+jets
pp ➞ ttVV+jets
pp ➞ tt+jets
pp ➞ tV+jets
pp ➞ tH+jets
pp ➞ t+jets
pp ➞ jets
pp ➞ Vtt+jets
pp ➞ VVV+jets
pp ➞ VV+jets
pp ➞ V+jets
pp ➞ Htt+jets
pp ➞ HV+jets
pp ➞ HHH+jets
pp ➞ HH+jets
pp ➞ H+jets
ee ➞ vv+jets
ee ➞ v+jets
ee ➞ tttt+jets
ee ➞ tt+jets
ee ➞ llllbb
ee ➞ hllllbb
ee ➞ Htt+jets
HEFT pp ➞ HH+jets
HEFT pp ➞ H+jets
tblnt ➞ lnb(j)Top-quark decay via an off-shell W-boson (with emission of a gluon).
tbqqt ➞ qqb(j)Hadronic top-quark decay via an off-shell W-boson (with emission of a gluon).
tbwt ➞ wb(j)Top-quark decay (with emission of a gluon).
pp ➞ tttt+jets
Library Process Decription
ppttttpp ➞ ttttFour-Top production.
pp ➞ ttVV+jets
Library Process Decription
ppaattpp ➞ ttAATop-quark pair and two photons production.
ppwwttpp ➞ ttWWOn-shell W-pair plus t t-bar production.
ppzattpp ➞ ttZAOn-shell Z and photon plus t t-bar production.
ppzzttpp ➞ ttZZOn-shell Z-pair plus t t-bar production.
pp ➞ tt+jets
Library Process Decription
ppttpp ➞ ttTop-quark pair production.
ppttjpp ➞ ttjTop-quark pair production with an additional jet.
ppttjjpp ➞ ttjjTop-quark pair production with two additional jets.
pp ➞ tV+jets
Library Process Decription
pptajpp ➞ tAjSingle top plus photon and jet production.
pptajjpp ➞ tAjjSingle top plus photon and two jets production (both 4 and 5 flavour scheme). Note that in the 5FS there is overlap with tAW production with a hadronic W decay. No real corrections included.
pptlljpp ➞ tlljSingle top plus off-shell Z/A boson and one jet production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn).
pptlljjpp ➞ tlljjSingle top plus off-shell Z/A boson and two jets production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn, both 4 and 5 flavour scheme). Note that in the 5FS there is overlap with tZW production with a hadronic W decay. No real corrections included.
pptlnpp ➞ tlnSingle top plus off-shell W+/W- boson production with leptonic decays. No real corrections included.
pptwpp ➞ tWSingle top plus on-shell W+/W- production. No real corrections included.
pptzjpp ➞ tZjSingle top plus on-shell Z and one jet production.
pptzjjpp ➞ tZjjSingle top plus on-shell Z and two jets production (both 4 and 5 flavour scheme). Note that in the 5FS there is overlap with tZW production with a hadronic W decay. No real corrections included.
pp ➞ tH+jets
Library Process Decription
ppthjpp ➞ tHjSingle top plus Higgs boson production and one jet.
ppthjjpp ➞ tHjjSingle top plus Higgs boson production and two jets (both 4 and 5 flavour scheme). Note that in the 5FS there is overlap with tHW production with a hadronic W decay. No real corrections included.
pp ➞ t+jets
Library Process Decription
pptjpp ➞ tjSingle top plus jet production.
pptjjpp ➞ tjjSingle top plus two jets production (both 4 and 5 flavour scheme). Note that in the 5FS there is overlap with tW production with a hadronic W decay. No real corrections included.
pp ➞ jets
Library Process Decription
ppjjpp ➞ jjProduction of two jets.
ppjjjpp ➞ jjjProduction of three jets.
ppjjjjpp ➞ jjjjProduction of four jets; no real corrections included.
pp ➞ Vtt+jets
Library Process Decription
ppattpp ➞ AttPhoton plus t t-bar production.
ppattjpp ➞ AttjPhoton plus t t-bar jet production.
ppllttpp ➞ llttOff-shell Z/A boson plus t t-bar production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn)
ppllttjpp ➞ llttjOff-shell Z/A boson plus t t-bar jet production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn)
pplnttpp ➞ lnttOff-shell W+/W- boson plus t t-bar production with leptonic decays
pplnttjpp ➞ lnttjOff-shell W+/W- boson plus t t-bar jet production with leptonic decays
ppwttpp ➞ WttOn-shell W+/W- plus t t-bar production.
ppwttjpp ➞ WttjOn-shell W+/W- plus t t-bar jet production.
ppzttpp ➞ ZttOn-shell Z plus t t-bar production.
ppzttjpp ➞ ZttjOn-shell Z plus t t-bar jet production.
pp ➞ VVV+jets
Library Process Decription
ppllaapp ➞ llAAProduction of an off-shell vector bosons (W/Z) with leptonic decay and two photons.
ppvvvpp ➞ VVVProduction of three on-shell vector bosons (Photon, W, Z in all combinations).
ppvvvjpp ➞ VVVjProduction of three on-shell vector bosons and a jet (Photon, W, Z in all combinations).
pp ➞ VV+jets
Library Process Decription
ppaapp ➞ AAPhoton pair production
ppaajpp ➞ AAjPhoton pair plus jet production
ppaaj2pp ➞ AAjLoop-induced photon pair plus jet production from gluon fusion.
ppaajjpp ➞ AAjjPhoton pair plus two jets production
ppaajj2pp ➞ AAjjLoop-squared photon pair plus two jets production.
ppllapp ➞ llAOff-shell Z/A boson and on-shell photon production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn)
pplla2gg ➞ llALoop-induced matrix elements for off-shell Z/A boson with leptonic decay (l+l- and nn) plus on-shell photon production in gluon fusion.
ppllajpp ➞ llAjOff-shell Z/A boson and on-shell photon production plus jet with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn)
ppllaj2gg ➞ llAjLoop-squared matrix elements for off-shell Z/A boson with leptonic decay (l+l- and nn) plus on-shell photon and jet production.
ppllajjpp ➞ llAjjOff-shell Z/A boson and on-shell photon production plus two jets with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn)
ppllllpp ➞ llllProduction of four leptons (all combinations of leptons and neutrinos).
ppllll2gg ➞ llllLoop-induced production of four leptons (all combinations of leptons and neutrinos) in gluon fusion.
ppllll2_onlyhgg ➞ llllApproximation 'onlyh'; Loop-induced production of four leptons (all combinations of leptons and neutrinos) in gluon fusion: only diagrams which contain a Higgs Yukawa coupling
pplllljpp ➞ lllljProduction of four leptons (all combinations of leptons and neutrinos) and a jet.
ppllllj2pp ➞ lllljSquared one-loop matrix elements for four lepton production (all combinations of leptons and neutrinos); gluon fusion (+qq splitting), i.e. gggllll and gqqllll where the four-lepton system is directly coupled to the quark loop.
ppllllj2_onlyhgg ➞ lllljApproximation 'onlyh'; Loop-induced production of four leptons (all combinations of leptons and neutrinos) in gluon fusion (+qq splitting), i.e. gggllll and gqqllll: only diagrams which contain a Higgs Yukawa coupling
ppllnnjj_vbspp ➞ llvvjj W+W+ and W-W- vector boson scattering with different flavour leptonic decays at O(alpha_s^3*alpha^4) (all channels) and O(alpha_s^1*alpha^6) (only "uc channel", i.e. quark lines of different generations). For VBS approximation, calculate the same quark generation channels using the uc channel matrix elements and a symmetry factor.
pplnapp ➞ lnAOff-shell W+/W- boson and on-shell photon production with leptonic decays
pplnajpp ➞ lnAjOff-shell W+/W- boson and on-shell photon production plus jet with leptonic decays
pplnajjpp ➞ lnAjjOff-shell W+/W- boson and on-shell photon production plus two jets with leptonic decays
ppvv2gg ➞ VVLoop-induced matrix elements for on-shell vector boson pair production (Photon, W, Z in all combinations) in gluon fusion.
ppvvj2gg ➞ VVjLoop-squared matrix elements for on-shell vector boson pair production (Photon, W, Z in all combinations) plus one jet.
ppwapp ➞ WAOn-shell W+/W- boson and photon production
ppwajpp ➞ WAjOn-shell W+/W- boson and photon plus jet production
ppwajjpp ➞ WAjjOn-shell W+/W- boson and photon plus two jets production
ppwwpp ➞ WWOn-shell W boson pair production
ppwwjpp ➞ WWjOn-shell W boson pair plus jet production
ppwwjjpp ➞ WWjjOn-shell W boson pair (W+W-, W+W+, W-W-) plus two jets production
ppzapp ➞ ZAOn-shell Z boson and photon production
ppzajpp ➞ ZAjOn-shell Z boson and photon plus jet production
ppzajjpp ➞ ZAjjOn-shell Z boson and photon plus two jets production
ppzwpp ➞ ZWOn-shell Z and W+/W- boson production
ppzwjpp ➞ ZWjOn-shell Z and W+/W- boson plus jet production
ppzwjjpp ➞ ZWjjOn-shell Z and W+/W- boson plus two jets production
ppzzpp ➞ ZZOn-shell Z boson pair production
ppzzjpp ➞ ZZjOn-shell Z boson pair plus jet production
ppzzjjpp ➞ ZZjjZ boson pair plus two jets production
pp ➞ V+jets
Library Process Decription
ppajpp ➞ AjPhoton plus one jet production
ppaj2pp ➞ AjLoop-induced photon plus jet production from gluon fusion.
ppajjpp ➞ AjjPhoton plus two jets production
ppajj2pp ➞ AjjLoop-squared photon plus two jets production.
ppajjjpp ➞ AjjjPhoton plus three jets production
ppllpp ➞ llOff-shell Z/A boson production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn)
ppll2pp ➞ llLoop-induced off-shell Z boson production with leptonic decay (l+l- and nn) from gluon fusion.
pplljpp ➞ lljOff-shell Z/A boson plus one jet production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn)
ppllj2pp ➞ lljLoop-squared off-shell Z/A boson production with leptonic decay (l+l- and nn) plus jet.
ppllj_nf5pp ➞ lljOff-shell Z/A boson plus one jet production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn), nf=5 (no top loops).
pplljjpp ➞ lljjOff-shell Z/A boson plus two jets production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn)
pplljjjpp ➞ lljjjOff-shell Z/A boson plus three jets production with leptonic decays (l+l-)
pplnpp ➞ lnOff-shell W+/W- boson production with leptonic decays
ppln_ckmpp ➞ lnOff-shell W+/W- boson production with leptonic decay with non-diagonal CKM
pplnjpp ➞ lnjOff-shell W+/W- boson plus one jet production with leptonic decays
pplnj_ckmpp ➞ lnjOff-shell W+/W- boson production with leptonic decay and a jet with non-diagonal CKM
pplnj_nf5pp ➞ lnjOff-shell W+/W- boson plus one jet production with leptonic decays, nf=5 (no top loops).
pplnjjpp ➞ lnjjOff-shell W+/W- boson plus two jets production with leptonic decays
pplnjj_ckmpp ➞ lnjOff-shell W+/W- boson production with leptonic decay with non-diagonal CKM
pplnjjjpp ➞ lnjjjOff-shell W+/W- boson plus three jets production with leptonic decays
ppnnjjjpp ➞ nnjjjOff-shell Z/A boson plus three jets production with neutrino decays
ppwpp ➞ WOn-shell W+/W- boson production
ppw_ckmpp ➞ WOn-shell W+/W- boson production with non-diagonal CKM
ppwjpp ➞ WjOn-shell W+/W- boson plus one jet production
ppwj_ckmpp ➞ WjOn-shell W+/W- boson production with non-diagonal CKM
ppwjjpp ➞ WjjOn-shell W+/W- boson plus two jets production
ppwjj_ckmpp ➞ WjjOn-shell W+/W- boson production with non-diagonal CKM
ppwjjjpp ➞ WjjjOn-shell W+/W- boson plus three jets production
ppzpp ➞ ZOn-shell Z boson production
ppz2pp ➞ ZLoop-induced on-shell Z boson production from gluon fusion.
ppzjpp ➞ ZjOn-shell Z boson plus one jet production
ppzj2pp ➞ ZjLoop-squared on-shell Z boson plus jet production.
ppzjjpp ➞ ZjjOn-shell Z boson plus two jets production
ppzjjjpp ➞ ZjjjOn-shell Z boson plus three jets production
pp ➞ Htt+jets
Library Process Decription
pphttpp ➞ HttHiggs plus t t-bar production.
pphttjpp ➞ HttjHiggs plus t t-bar jet production.
pp ➞ HV+jets
Library Process Decription
pphllpp ➞ HllHiggs plus off-shell Z/A boson production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn)
pphll2gg ➞ HllLoop-induced matrix elements for Higgs plus off-shell Z boson production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn) in gluon fusion.
pphlljpp ➞ HlljHiggs plus off-shell Z/A boson and one jet production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn)
pphllj2gg ➞ HlljLoop-squared matrix elements for Higgs plus off-shell Z/A boson production and a jet with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn).
pphlljjpp ➞ HlljjHiggs plus off-shell Z/A boson and two jets production with leptonic decays (l+l- and nn)
pphlnpp ➞ HlnHiggs plus off-shell W+/W- boson production with leptonic decay
pphlnjpp ➞ HlnjHiggs plus off-shell W+/W- boson and one jet production with leptonic decay
pphlnjjpp ➞ HlnjjHiggs plus off-shell W+/W- boson and two jets production with leptonic decay
pphwpp ➞ HWHiggs plus on-shell W+/W- boson production
pphwjpp ➞ HWjHiggs plus on-shell W+/W- boson and one jet production
pphwjjpp ➞ HWjjHiggs plus on-shell W+/W- boson and two jets production
pphzpp ➞ HZHiggs plus on-shell Z boson production
pphz2gg ➞ HZLoop-induced matrix elements for Higgs plus on-shell Z boson in gluon fusion.
pphzjpp ➞ HZjHiggs plus on-shell Z boson and one jet production
pphzj2gg ➞ HZjLoop-squared matrix elements for Higgs plus on-shell Z boson and a jet.
pphzjjpp ➞ HZjjHiggs plus on-shell Z boson and two jets production
pp ➞ HHH+jets
Library Process Decription
pphhh2pp ➞ HHHLoop-induced triple-Higgs production.
pp ➞ HH+jets
Library Process Decription
pphh2pp ➞ HHLoop-induced Higgs pair production.
pphhj2pp ➞ HHjLoop-squared Higgs pair production with a jet.
pphhjjpp ➞ HHjjVector boson fusion-like Higgs-pair plus two jets production at O(alpha_s*alpha^4). All diagrams included, i.e. no VBF diagram selection.
pp ➞ H+jets
Library Process Decription
bbhQQ ➞ HHiggs production from initial state b/c quarks. Can be used with massless b/c quarks with finite Yukawa coupling.
bbhjQQ ➞ HjHiggs production from (at least one) initial state b/c quark(s). Can be used with massless b/c quarks with finite Yukawa coupling.
pph2pp ➞ HLoop induced Higgs production (massive b quarks and Yukawas allowed).
pphbbpp ➞ HbbHiggs production plus two jets with b/c quarks in the initial and/or final state. Can be used with massless b/c quarks with finite Yukawa coupling.
pphbbjpp ➞ HbbjHiggs production plus three jets with b/c quarks in the initial and/or final state. Can be used with massless b/c quarks with finite Yukawa coupling.
pphj2pp ➞ HjLoop induced Higgs plus jet production (massive b quarks allowed, but not as external states; Yukawas allowed).
pphjj2pp ➞ HjjLoop induced Higgs plus two jets production (massive b quarks allowed, but not as external states; Yukawas allowed).
pphjj_vbfpp ➞ HjjProduction of Higgs plus two jets. Complete alpha_s*alpha^3 contribution including vector boson fusion and Higgs Strahlung-like production HV(->jj).
ee ➞ vv+jets
Library Process Decription
eevvjjee ➞ vvjjProduction of two on-shell vector bosons (Photon, W, Z in all combinations) and two jets
ee ➞ v+jets
Library Process Decription
eevjjee ➞ vjjProduction of an on-shell vector bosons (Photon, W, Z in all combinations) and two jets
ee ➞ tttt+jets
Library Process Decription
eettttee ➞ ttttt t-bar t t-bar production in e+e-.
eettttjee ➞ ttttt t-bar t t-bar and one jet production in e+e-.
ee ➞ tt+jets
Library Process Decription
eettee ➞ ttTop-quark pair production in e+e-.
eettjee ➞ ttjTop-quark pair production and one jet in e+e-.
ee ➞ llllbb
Library Process Decription
eellllbbee ➞ llllbboff-shell t t-bar production and decay in e+e- (all lepton combinations).
ee ➞ hllllbb
Library Process Decription
eehllllbbee ➞ hllllbbHiggs plus off-shell t t-bar production and decay in l+l- (e+mu-vv,e-mu+vv,e+e-vv).
ee ➞ Htt+jets
Library Process Decription
eehttee ➞ HttHiggs plus t t-bar production in e+e-.
eehttjee ➞ HttjHiggs plus t t-bar production and one jet in e+e-.
HEFT pp ➞ HH+jets
Library Process Decription
heftpphhpp ➞ HHHiggs-pair production in the Higgs effective field theory.
heftpphhjpp ➞ HHjHiggs-pair plus jet production in the Higgs effective field theory.
heftpphhjjpp ➞ HHjjHiggs-pair plus two jet production in the Higgs effective field theory.
HEFT pp ➞ H+jets
Library Process Decription
heftpphpp ➞ HHiggs production in the Higgs effective field theory.
heftpphjpp ➞ HjHiggs plus jet production in the Higgs effective field theory.
heftpphjjpp ➞ HjjHiggs plus two jets production in the Higgs effective field theory.
heftpphjjjpp ➞ HjjjHiggs plus three jets production in the Higgs effective field theory.