openloops is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Selected pheno studies

Amongst many others OpenLoops has successfully been applied in the following precision studies for the LHC and ILC. They include parton-level NLO (QCD and EW) and NNLO calculations as well as simulations based on NLO+PS matching (S-MC@NLO) and multi-jet merging at NLO (MEPS@NLO) or for loop-induced processes (MLM@Loop2).


Process Method Monte Carlo Reference
e+e- ➞ W+W-bb(H) NLO WHIZARD arXiv:1609.03390
pp ➞ W+W-bb NLO+PS POWHEG-BOX arXiv:1607.04538
pp ➞ HH NNLO MUNICH arXiv:1606.09519
pp ➞ two-leptons+1,2 jets NLO EW Sherpa & MUNICH arXiv:1511.08692
pp ➞ W++1,2,3 jets NLO EW Sherpa & MUNICH arXiv:1412.5157
pp ➞ W+W- NNLO* MUNICH arXiv:1408.5243
pp ➞ ZZ NNLO* MUNICH arXiv:1405.2219
pp ➞ WWW+0,1 jet MEPS@NLO Sherpa arXiv:1403.7516
pp ➞ tt+0,1,2 jets MEPS@NLO Sherpa arXiv:1402.6293
qq ➞ tt NNLO* private arXiv:1404.6493
pp ➞ HH+0,1 jet MLM@Loop2 Herwig++ arXiv:1401.0007
pp ➞ W+W-bb NLO MUNICH arXiv:1312.0546
pp ➞ ZA NNLO* MUNICH arXiv:1309.7000
pp ➞ ttbb S-MC@NLO Sherpa arXiv:1309.5912
pp ➞ four-leptons+0,1 jet MEPS@NLO Sherpa arXiv:1309.0500


*Note: in the listed NNLO studies OpenLoops has been used to calculate the NLO real-virtual and tree-level amplitudes.